The Arcav General's Woman Read online
Page 11
“You are a stubborn female,” I say, pulling her closer to warm with my body. She nuzzles closer, smiling against my neck.
Doors clang, and we both sit up as the leader of the beasts who took us here appears. He gestures to his friend, who is still bleeding from the deep slashes in his face. He stares at me with retribution in his eyes as he steps forward and unlocks our cell.
Would you like another round? My eyes ask him. Anytime, anywhere.
I push Meghan behind me, stepping forward as my horns straighten in aggression.
“You will both come quietly, or the female will be hurt,” the leader says, and I bare my teeth but reach for Meghan and take her hand in mine. She is shaking, and I suppress the urge to kill them all in retaliation for the fear that emanates from her.
They surround us as we walk up the stairs, and I snarl as one of them gets too close to my mate. My brain tells me that we must cooperate now, but my body wants to slaughter everyone around us until Meghan is free.
Both of us scan our surroundings as we walk, Meghan muttering quietly, the way that she does when she is making mental notes. But this corridor is nothing but smooth rock, carved into a mountain, without any entrances or exits. We get to a fork and turn right, and then left, and I memorize our route. Finally, I tense as I hear what sounds like thousands of voices, murmuring above us. I begin to growl, unable to control the sound as one of the beasts prods Meghan in the back and she stumbles into me.
“Climb the stairs.”
We comply, and Meghan shakes impossibly harder as we walk toward the voices. Eventually, we enter an enormous cavern, and thousands of eyes turn on us, voices hushing at our appearance. The room defies physics. How much of the mountain can possibly be left after so much has been cut away? Meghan cranes her head beside me, and we both examine the ceiling, which is barely visible— a pinprick of light high above us. Floors have been cut into the space, different levels likely leading to more rooms. I can smell cold, wet stone, char from food cooking, and the sweat from the thousands of creatures currently staring at us.
We are pushed forward again, and I keep Meghan’s hand in mine as we are directed toward a space at the front of the room. Three creatures sit on thrones made of solid rock, dark grey wings stretched out behind them. All three wear crowns and I almost snort at the sight of the dull metal on their heads.
They look nothing like our guards. While the beasts sneering behind us are huge, with thick pelts and claws, these creatures are almost delicate by comparison, with pale, white skin, light hair, and sharp cheekbones that stick out almost unnaturally.
Silence falls, and Meghan inches closer to me as the male leans back in his throne. He waits several minutes to speak, a display of ego and attempt to prove his power.
His court does not move. There are no cleared throats, no scratched noses, no shifting feet.
I raise an eyebrow as I stare at him and he stares coolly right back so I allow my eyes to wander, well aware of the insult. This King will not find us obedient servants. I almost tense as I realize the entire room is surrounded by cages. All manner of creatures are trapped within the bars, blank eyes staring back at me as if they are dead inside. I recognize several of them from planets I have visited, and I fight against a roar of rage as I see a Fecax female, curled in a corner of her cage. I note several more of our allies— races we have fought with over the centuries, and even some enemies, including a Grivath, who bares his teeth at me.
I return my eyes to the three figures, carefully ignoring the King. His Queen’s eyes appear to be just as dead as the creatures in the cages as she stares straight ahead, her expression blank. The younger female has the look of both of her parents, except her gaze burns with rage. Her face is bitter as she scans Meghan, and then returns her eyes to me.
The King’s voice is deep, and I take one more moment before I return my attention to him.
“You have landed on my planet without permission,” he says, his body emanating arrogance.
I squeeze Meghan’s hand in warning.
“We were not attempting to land here,” I say. “Our ship ran out of fuel.”
“That is not your ship at all, though, is it? Yes, I know of the Arcav. I know well your King’s preference for the best machinery in the universe. He does not have any use for races without the ability to provide him with technology or gather an army for his use.”
Every muscle in my body tenses as recognition hits me. This is the King of the Lahmu, and his planet is called Huldra. Varian did not choose not to ally with him because of his small army or lack of technology, which this King knows perfectly well. He has obviously not informed his people that Varian’s refusal was due to his proclivity for kidnapping people from planets across the galaxy, caging them and keeping them for centuries as members of his ‘collection.’
It is well known that this King killed his brother, the rightful ruler of this planet, married his brother’s wife, and raped her until she had his heir.
I let my gaze travel back to the cages, silently making it known that I know exactly why Varian refused to consider any relationship with him.
He flushes at the implication, his pale skin turning a dull red as I raise one eyebrow indolently.
“No,” I say. “It is not our ship. Which is why we were unaware that the fuel gauge was broken and we were in danger.”
He snorts, and the room erupts with jeering before he waves a hand and leans forward.
“Varian would never allow one of his people to use a ship that could crash so readily. Admit your deception. You have been sent with an unlikely story of a crash landing, with the goal of spying on our people for a future invasion!”
The room explodes with screams, his people enraged at the thought.
“You are well aware that the Arcav would not invade this planet,” I say, and he glowers as the room silences once again.
“I know who you are,” he says, changing the subject. One of the Arcav Queen’s guard. The one that is a bastard.”
I grit my teeth as his court laughs and cheers. Meghan squeezes my hand, but I cannot meet her eyes, unwilling to face the condemnation I am sure to find there.
I have lied to her by not making my illegitimacy known. She has my mating bands on her wrists, without any awareness that her mate is one of just a few illegitimate males on my entire planet.
“Oh,” The King says softly. “Your female did not know that she mated to a male with impure blood. How interesting.”
“I don’t care,” Meghan speaks up from behind me, and I shoot her a look, silently urging her to be silent. The less interesting she is to the Lahmu King, the better. Her eyes are brimming with tears and sympathy, and I would give anything for a moment alone with her to explain myself.
“We have no intention of invading this planet,” I say, and the King snorts.
“Why would I believe that? After all, the Arcav have recently invaded another planet, have they not? One which was completely unaware of other beings in this galaxy.”
He turns his attention to Meghan.
“Isn’t that right…human?”
“There were extenuating circumstances for that invasion,” she says carefully, and the Princess snorts.
The King frowns. “Let us not pretend that the invasion was for the humans’ benefit. We may be far from Arcavia, but we are still able to learn what is going on in the universe. You are a mate,” he spits, gesturing to her wrists, “so your word is meaningless.”
I squeeze Meghan’s hand harder, and can almost hear her grinding her teeth. This King has something to prove, and any defenses we mount will just be seen as further evidence that he is right.
He leans back in his throne once more, and I growl at the look of satisfaction on his face.
“I have never seen a human before,” he says.
Chapter Thirteen
I don’t like where this is going. Whatever beef this King has with Varian is not boding well for us. Of al
l the planets to crash land on, we had to find one where the ruler has something to prove. My eyes return to the cages and I shudder. And one with a personal zoo of aliens from across the universe.
“I believe I have a solution to this problem,” he says, and I know I’m not going to appreciate the next words out of his mouth.
My hands are trembling, and I’m rocking slightly on my toes as I close my eyes, waiting to hear my fate.
“You may leave, Arcav. After all, I would never want Varian to accuse me of preventing one of his men from leaving our lovely planet. But you will not be taking the human with you. She will be a fine addition to my collection.”
A cage door swings open at his proclamation, and I sway, dizzy as the blood rushes from my face. I meet the Princess’s eyes, and they’re triumphant, as if I am an enemy she has finally slaughtered.
“I’m not getting in there,” I say through numb lips, and the King’s smile widens. The Queen is still staring blankly ahead as if she’s really somewhere else.
“Fine. I will simply kill you both. If your mate is to be believed, the Arcav are completely unaware that you are here. I will claim complete ignorance as to your whereabouts if Varian ever asks.”
Methi releases my hand as his claws extend and time stops as I discard one path of action after another. Refuse to get in the cage, and we both die. Get in the cage and I lose my freedom. Maybe for good. But maybe just until Methi can find a way to break me out.
I clear my throat. “You have to provide Methi with fuel to leave this planet.”
Methi begins to growl lowly beside me and I ignore him. Our only chance is if he can get back to Arcavia and send help.
The King laughs. “And open myself up to Varian’s retaliation? I don’t think so. If your mate can find a way off this planet, he is welcome to leave. But I will help him just as much as Varian helped me when I asked for his technology.”
If I ever see Varian again, I’m kneeing him in the balls. Methi likely feels the same, and I can feel him shaking his head beside me.
“Get in,” the King orders. “Or I will kill him in front of you. Slowly.”
Well that makes my decision for me. I turn to Methi, and he pulls me close as I peer up at him, completely stunned. This is a bad dream, and we’re both going to wake up on our ship that never crashed, already close to Arcavia. Or I’ll wake up and Methi will have never left Arcavia in the first place.
The look in Methi’s eyes slays me. The hopelessness, rage, and the touch of crazed male, which tells me he’s on the verge of attempting to fight our way out of here.
He knows it’s suicide though, and if there’s one thing I know about Methi, it’s that he would never knowingly risk a hair on my head.
“You need to find a way out of here,” I say, and he just shakes his head. I sigh, well aware that even if he could leave, he’d probably just set up a base on the nearest planet. I get it. I’d never return to Arcavia without him either.
It’s now or never.
There are moments that define you, and getting into this cage is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I need to do it before I lose my courage, and I step back, even as Methi’s hands tighten on me. I close my eyes as he kisses me softly, and then I’m turning, vision blurry as I stumble toward the cool, grey bars.
It’s a special kind of torture to walk voluntarily toward it. It would be easier if I were to be dragged in, and the King knows it too, the ghost of a smile dancing around his mouth and his eyes lit with a sick pleasure.
I take a deep breath and step inside, cringing as the door slams shut behind me.
My mate is caged like an animal, her horrified gaze frantically searching every inch of her small cell as she desperately seeks a way out. I am ignored for now as the King returns to his court, speaking to his dead-eyed queen and smirking daughter.
I move toward Meghan, hoping to provide some sort of comfort even as she narrows her eyes at me, silently urging me to leave.
“Uh-uh,” the King booms as I get closer. “No one is allowed near my collection.”
I grind my teeth as Meghan’s gaze shutters, and she simply nods at me. We will get through this. I will get her out of that cage, and she will never be trapped again.
She turns her back on me and I get her message loud and clear. I need to leave and find a way to contact the Arcav, get her out of the cage, or get off this planet.
The last one is not happening. I would sooner cut off both of my horns and rip out my claws than leave my mate with these cruel, sadistic creatures.
All of this, every minute of Meghan’s suffering is my fault.
I left for my honor. I almost heave at the thought.
What is honor compared to my brave, smart, fiery mate? I would crawl on the ground for her, be exiled from my planet for her. I would risk anything to be by her side. Every moment I stayed away was a moment we could have been together. The only promises that truly matter are the ones I make to her. The female who risked her life for me, only to see my regret. The one who still suffers for me, trapped like an animal, on display for this brutal, monstrous race.
I fade into the background, snarling at anyone who dares come too close.
I want to slaughter all of these creatures. I want to rip off their wings and disembowel them. I want to watch this planet and everyone on it to burn. And I want news of my actions to travel throughout the universe, warning every being who would ever think to touch my mate.
I force myself to think logically. It is the hardest thing I have ever done, next to allowing my mate to walk into that cage. Meghan is strong, and while she will loathe being caged, she will survive while I find a solution. If there is one thing I can count on, it’s that the female who managed to rescue me from Durin will never give up while there is still air left in her lungs.
I’m bored out of my mind.
Methi has disappeared, and while I initially panicked, I know he’s doing everything he can to get me out of here. It’s been three days, and I’ve spent my time watching the inner workings of this court, attempting to block out the sick depravities and tiny cruelties they delight in.
I try to stay optimistic. It could be worse after all. I’m escorted to a bathroom twice a day, although I think this is to ensure the King’s ‘collection’ doesn’t start to stink up the place, and not out of the goodness of his heart.
I also know that I wouldn’t have even lasted these three days if I was in solitary confinement. I’m watching every interaction and listening to every conversation I can in an effort to understand these people, so I can find a way to get out of here.
My cage is uncomfortable and sparse, with not a single pillow or blanket. I can stand, but I can’t rise to my full height, so I spend most of my time sitting, hugging my knees with my chin balanced on them as I try to understand these people.
I once heard that you’re the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. Maybe cruelty spreads like a sickness, infecting anyone who isn’t strong enough to resist the allure of taking their hurt out on those weaker than them.
And there are plenty of opportunities for cruelty in this place. The Lahmu are the winged people, and they rule this planet. The aliens who beat the crap out of Methi are the Nirex, and from what I can gather, they were native to this planet thousands of years ago. They seem to hold no ill-will to the Lahmu, who treat them like dirt, but instead they do everything the Lahmu tell them, and they’re even more vicious to any species lower on the food chain than they are.
At one point, I look away as they torture a short, dwarf-like creature who is completely mute. They tell him that the moment he asks, the torture will stop. The poor creature grunts, crying out in pain as they cut off pieces of him in front of his brother, who screams in agony the entire time.
I curl into a ball in my cell, closing my eyes and covering my ears, when it’s finally over, I wipe the tears off my face and open my eyes, jolting as the
Princess stares at me.
“You are weak,” she declares coldly, and I simply shrug, exhausted from three days of watching these people bully and break those who aren’t strong enough to fight back.
“You are cruel,” I say softly, and she inspects me like I’m an interesting bug under her microscope. Maybe I’ll be tomorrow’s entertainment.
It seems as if the King’s collection is off-limits though, although I’m sure many of the residents in the cages are wishing for death at this point.
Yesterday, two of the Princess’s courtiers were gossiping near my cage when their attention turned to me.
“It’s a strange looking creature, isn’t it?”
I ignored them as I studiously inspected my nails.
“How long do you think it will last?”
One of them snorted. “Depends on the lifespan. The Yerid has stayed alive for centuries, but they are a particularly long-lived species.”
These motherfuckers have kept them alive for centuries.
Another silver lining? No Alni plant for me. I’ve got another eighty years at most.
Don’t think like that. Methi will get you out.
Then where is he?
I try to think of the King’s pettiness as a good thing. If he allowed me near Meghan, I would lie beside her, pressed up against the bars of her cage, stroking her hair in an attempt to give her comfort. His determination to keep me from my mate may just be the key to our freedom.
Even if I managed to get Meghan out of her cage, we would still be in the same position- with no way off this planet. Only then we would be hunted down and killed. Logic dictates that I first fix the ship, and then stage a rescue so we can immediately leave as soon as Meghan is free.
Except logic is nothing compared to my instincts, which rage at me to return and force the King to free my mate. I create and discard scenarios, which include everything from burning the mountain to the ground, to taking either his daughter or his Queen hostage.